Focus on Values,
Not Redundancies

Harness the Power of beNovelty's Cutting-Edge
API-First and Intelligent Agentic AI Solutions

Harness the Power of beNovelty's Cutting-Edge
API-First and Intelligent Agentic AI Solutions

Trusted by Enterprises Across Industries

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Our API & Agentic AI Solutions

Accelerate Business Growth with
Modular API and Agentic AI Solutions

beNovelty is an experienced, award-winning API solution provider for enterprises and startups. We have evolved from offering standalone API solutions to pioneering an approach that blends API and Agentic AI technologies.

By harnessing the power of Agentic AI, we deliver highly effective, tailored solutions for complex challenges while avoiding the hallucination problems associated with Gen AI by using APIs as tools. Our modular approach empowers businesses to innovate swiftly, eliminating redundancies and enhancing efficiency. By seamlessly integrating API and AI, we provide scalable and intelligent digital interactions that drive transformative change.

Join us on this journey to shape the future with beNovelty's AI-driven API ecosystem. Discover new opportunities and unlock your business's full potential!

API-First Architecture

Efficient API solutions for seamless integration and superior performance.

Agentic AI Solutions

Intelligent AI agents for automating tasks and boosting operational efficiency.

API-First Architecture

Seamlessly integrate and enhance performance with streamlined API solutions tailored for modern enterprises, ensuring efficient connectivity and scalability.

beSpoke Services For Enterprises

Enterprise Services for API Platform Development

API Gateway and Infrastructure in Cloud Native Environment

Secure, scalable API gateway and infrastructure solutions tailored for cloud-native environments.

API Services Development

Custom API development to enhance connectivity and performance.

API Strategy and Ecosystem Development

Strategic planning and ecosystem development to maximize API potential.

API Training & Hackathon

Hands-on training sessions and hackathons to upskill your team and foster innovation.

Validate Your Idea Quickly and Avoid Managing Everything Yourself?

beNovelty's SaaS API Solutions

Agentic AI Solutions

Harness intelligent AI agents to automate tasks and boost overall operational efficiency, tailored to meet your unique business needs.

beSpoke Services For Enterprises

Enterprise Services for AI Agent Development

AI Gateway and Infrastructure in Cloud Native Environment

Advanced AI gateway and infrastructure designed for optimal performance in cloud-native settings.

AI Agents Development

Custom development of AI agents to meet specific business needs.

RAG, LLM Fine Tuning and Guardrails

Specialized services in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), large language model fine-tuning, and implementation of guardrails for AI safety.

Validate Your Idea Quickly and Avoid Managing Everything Yourself?

beNovelty's SaaS Agentic AI Solutions

Got a Question?

We'd love to talk about how we can help you.

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Trust at beNovelty

Your Security is Our Top Priority

beNovelty is trusted by the fastest growing startups and the largest enterprises. Our APIs and platform adhere to leading security and compliance standards to ensure that all your communication and data are encrypted both in rest and motion.


What Our Partners Say

Are You Ready to Innovate Without Redundancies?

Discover how beNovelty can help you gain an Experience Edge for your business.

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